Jeanine's Mantra
“Dream until your dreams come true.”
About Jeanine Simpson
What years did you cheer?
I cheered 1999-2002! I was the choreographer for the team 2002-2004.
What was unique about your first year?
What was unique about My first year was we went to Super Bowl! I don’t think there’s been a more exciting year for the Titans since that inaugural season. The energy, the fans, the way the whole city of Nashville came together as one…..just undeniably unforgettable.
What was your favorite part about your cheer experience?
My favorite part about cheering has to be the friendships I’ve made. I gained some of My very best friends and I’m forever grateful to the Titans for that.
What was the most difficult part about your cheering experience?
The most difficult part about my cheering experience was managing the three jobs I carried at the time I cheered. Being a Titans cheerleader requires a big time commitment and Is a labor of love but one that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
What is something you do now you never dreamed you’d be doing?
Something I am doing now that I never dreamed is watching my own girls be adults and live their dreams. Seeing them grow up has been the greatest joy of my life.
What celebrity, past or present would you invite to dinner and why?
I’d have to say I have two celebrities I’d invite to dinner. Dolly Parton and Bob Seger. I’ve always been an old soul and I admire these two amazing artists. Dolly is an icon and Bob is in a league all his own.
If you could get rid of one month out of the year, what month and why?
If I could remove one month in the year I’d say January. I am not a winter person by nature so the faster it’s gone the happier I am on the way to Warmer weather.
What’s the worst fashion or hair decision you ever made?
I try not to criticize myself too much for a bad hair or clothing choice. I feel like we are all still evolving and getting better and if you didn’t make choices back then that you wouldn’t now, you’re not Changing and evolving and those things should be celebrated! Bring on all the past styles….we are just getting better with time!
What is the one mantra you remember growing up from a parent or grandparent?
My dad loves rock music. He always played it loud in the house with his record collection when I was growing up. My favorite lyric from Aerosmith is something that always stuck with me and I’ve instilled it in my own two girls….”dream until your dreams come true”
What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?
I feel like I’d be best friends with Carrie Bradshaw. I think she had me at great style…